Year: 2015 Produced by AOO from 2015 to 2020.
Pepitu is a redesign of the common folding beach lounger.
First prototype, reproducing the original
To improve comfort, the inclination between the backrest and the seat was changed, achieving sufficient stability thanks to the curvature in the front legs.
Pepitu has different versions and models over the years.
Pepe was an XL version
Pepi was the chair version
Pepitu Surt was a first outside version made of iroko
Where is Pepitu? Find it and send me an email with a red circle where the Pepitu is
Year: 2020 - 2023 Available on demand
Made of blue and green MDF + solid pine handles
Made of brown MDF
Made of poplar plywood
More Work
And here is a random and condensed selection of different other works done in recent years:
Blau, 2022.
Firma Black, 2017.
Mesas Baraja, 2022.
Leon, 2022.
Cama Martín, 2020.
Save tables, 2018.
Jabalí, 2016.
Mana Mana Lima, 2022.
Shelving System IV Groc, 2022.
Otrolibro I de Otrascosas de Villar-Rosàs (2009-2012).
Mountain, 2016.
Colgador Bolas, 2023.
Bonay Hello, 2015.
Boisbuchet workshop, 2023.
Peana Ricard, 2021.
Martín, 2020.
Mel Gibson, 2015.
Shelving System I, 2019.
Mesas Atico, 2019.
Window Panels, 2018.
Ari, 2021.
Green Kitchen, 2019.
Muri, 2015.
Ping Pong Ping, 2018.
Mari, 2022.
Mesa DAC, 2022.
Rosca (Light attempt), 2016.
Atico Kitchen, 2019.
Lucas, 2018.
Shelving System II, 2021.
Mesas de Choque, 2021.
Aloha Freewall workshop, 2022.
Pepa, 2021.
Sofa Port, 2018.
AOO bag, 2015.
Pre 8, 2018.
Sabadell, 2019.
Mesa Gala, 2019.
Mesa Elefante, 2018.
Shelving System III, 2021.
Ibon Kitchen, 2018.
Mesa Port, 2018.
Coeurs, 2020.
Mesón, 2014.
Gordito, 2021.
Grada Groga, 2022.
Marta, 2020.
Narrow shop, 2020.
Red & Green, 2022.
Carabí, 2022.
My Body Office, 2021.
Bar en una botella, 2023.
Bluejey, 2015.
Valsells, 2022.
Pieza 1 HP, 2005.
Mesa Forat, 2018.
Shelving System IV, 2022.
Biografia Antoni Arola, 2015.
Taco, 2022.
Ikea Vitra Vitra Ikea, 2021.
Telmo, 2018.
Yellow, 2017.
L Table, 2021.
Mesarraca, 2019.
Red Balls, 2021.
Brown, 2021.
Armario Alba, 2018.
Estantería Atico, 2019.
El Hombre de Sal, 2019.
Bendita Mesa, 2015.
HTH, 2020.
Trineu FCB, 2018.