Rubí and Ibiza
Both Rubí and Ibiza are simple box file cabinets. The cylindrical encounter of the bases of the boxes with the square guides of the structures is one of their most relevant characteristics.
Ibiza is made of green and blue MDF and solid pine and beech
Rubí is made of birch and poplar plywood and solid pine and beech
Taburete 8
Taburete 8 is the final piece and the peak of the Familia 8 collection, which began with the chair: Silla 8.
It features a simple metal structure made from standard sections, with just a piece of plywood serving as the seat. This plywood piece curves once it is placed in position under pressure. What I like most about this stool is that it would be difficult to change or remove anything from it, since it's been optimized to the fullest.
Height: 60cm
Prototype made of wooden structure
More Work
And here is a random and condensed selection of different other works done in recent years:
Valsells, 2022.
Taco, 2022.
Rosca (Light attempt), 2016.
Mesas Atico, 2019.
Shelving System IV Groc, 2022.
Bar en una botella, 2023.
Brown, 2021.
Bluejey, 2015.
Shelving System I, 2019.
Mountain, 2016.
Otrolibro I de Otrascosas de Villar-Rosàs (2009-2012).
Sabadell, 2019.
Boisbuchet workshop, 2023.
Mesa Elefante, 2018.
Pre 8, 2018.
Shelving System IV, 2022.
Coeurs, 2020.
Carabí, 2022.
Firma Black, 2017.
Gordito, 2021.
Ikea Vitra Vitra Ikea, 2021.
Mari, 2022.
Grada Groga, 2022.
El Hombre de Sal, 2019.
Peana Ricard, 2021.
Red Balls, 2021.
Blau, 2022.
Narrow shop, 2020.
Sofa Port, 2018.
Yellow, 2017.
HTH, 2020.
Mesa Gala, 2019.
Window Panels, 2018.
Mel Gibson, 2015.
Ibon Kitchen, 2018.
Estantería Atico, 2019.
Mesa Forat, 2018.
Mesarraca, 2019.
Marta, 2020.
Jabalí, 2016.
Martín, 2020.
Pepa, 2021.
Mana Mana Lima, 2022.
Green Kitchen, 2019.
My Body Office, 2021.
Ping Pong Ping, 2018.
Aloha Freewall workshop, 2022.
L Table, 2021.
Muri, 2015.
Biografia Antoni Arola, 2015.
Bonay Hello, 2015.
Colgador Bolas, 2023.
Trineu FCB, 2018.
Atico Kitchen, 2019.
Ari, 2021.
Mesas de Choque, 2021.
Lucas, 2018.
Mesa Port, 2018.
Save tables, 2018.
AOO bag, 2015.
Mesas Baraja, 2022.
Shelving System II, 2021.
Cama Martín, 2020.
Mesa DAC, 2022.
Red & Green, 2022.
Armario Alba, 2018.
Shelving System III, 2021.
Telmo, 2018.
Bendita Mesa, 2015.
Pieza 1 HP, 2005.
Leon, 2022.
Mesón, 2014.