Year: 2015 Produced by AOO from 2015 to 2020.
Pepitu is a redesign of the common folding beach lounger.
First prototype, reproducing the original
To improve comfort, the inclination between the backrest and the seat was changed, achieving sufficient stability thanks to the curvature in the front legs.
Pepitu has different versions and models over the years.
Pepe was an XL version
Pepi was the chair version
Pepitu Surt was a first outside version made of iroko
Where is Pepitu? Find it and send me an email with a red circle where the Pepitu is
Year: 2014 Produced by AOO from 2014 to 2020. Since then, available on demand
Delta version made of wengue
Natural, grey and white basic versions
New York setting
Chicago setting
Los Angeles setting
Normales was a previous collection of basic pieces that inspired the final version of the 3MO
Normales collection had a cable-roll
Year: 2023, for Sancal.
One of the first drawings of El Tenderete
First 1:1 prototype of a module in wood
Disassembling, transportable, easy to store and reusable. With these premises and inspired by the street market stalls, improvised with fabrics, tubular structures and the scaffolding systems used in construction El Tenderete was born.
It's basically a modular exhibition system for the current and future exhibitions and installations of the brand.
The composition of 8 modules that was used for its debut at the Milan fair in 2023
1 basic module