Year: 2014 Produced by AOO from 2014 to 2020. Since then, available on demand
Delta version made of wengue
Natural, grey and white basic versions
New York setting
Chicago setting
Los Angeles setting
Normales was a previous collection of basic pieces that inspired the final version of the 3MO
Normales collection had a cable-roll
Silla 8
First Silla 8 prototype ever
The first rough pre-series of 6 units of Silla 8 was the Tregebov, as it was commissioned by Pablo Tregebov upon seeing the first prototype
Silla 8 is the result of an exercise in which flat plywood sheets are curved under pressure and in a simple way (without machinery), using different structures as support. Instantly and without molds, this process generates what end up being seats and backrests.
The resulting pieces consist of two frames joined together and stripped of any decorative element. Together with the backrest and seat, they create a comfortable, light, and uniquely designed chair.
The final version is made of solid koto wood and poplar plywood, making it ultralight.
Silla 8 Natural
Silla 8 Tregebov
Silla 8 Natural Brazos
Silla 8 prototypes
To enhance its visual uniqueness, I collaborated with the artist Claudia Valsells, with whom we developed a series of color combinations that reflect her exploration of beauty. The chair conveys the tactile nature of the artwork through the palette; because what can be touched is tangible and brings us closer to its reality.
Each chair is painted in more than one color to emphasize the meaning of each when contrasted with the others.
First color combination test on a Silla 8 with Claudia Valsells
7 Sillas 8 is the result of a collaboration that is not normally seen in the world of art and design; it is a dialogue between disciplines that converges on a common and unlikely final point for each of the participants and, ultimately, an excuse between two professionals that ends with a good friendship.
A Frankenstein between the Salvador chair and the Silla 8
More Work
And here is a random and condensed selection of different other works done in recent years:
Jabalí, 2016.
Coeurs, 2020.
El Hombre de Sal, 2019.
HTH, 2020.
Red & Green, 2022.
AOO bag, 2015.
Taco, 2022.
Gordito, 2021.
Mesarraca, 2019.
Bendita Mesa, 2015.
Firma Black, 2017.
Estantería Atico, 2019.
Shelving System IV, 2022.
Grada Groga, 2022.
L Table, 2021.
Martín, 2020.
Green Kitchen, 2019.
Muri, 2015.
Ibon Kitchen, 2018.
Mesa Forat, 2018.
Save tables, 2018.
Brown, 2021.
Armario Alba, 2018.
Peana Ricard, 2021.
Aloha Freewall workshop, 2022.
Bar en una botella, 2023.
Carabí, 2022.
Trineu FCB, 2018.
Shelving System I, 2019.
Window Panels, 2018.
Shelving System III, 2021.
Boisbuchet workshop, 2023.
Sofa Port, 2018.
Ping Pong Ping, 2018.
Telmo, 2018.
Sabadell, 2019.
Mesas Baraja, 2022.
Shelving System IV Groc, 2022.
Mari, 2022.
Mesa DAC, 2022.
Yellow, 2017.
Rosca (Light attempt), 2016.
Red Balls, 2021.
Cama Martín, 2020.
Mesón, 2014.
Otrolibro I de Otrascosas de Villar-Rosàs (2009-2012).
Pepa, 2021.
Ari, 2021.
Valsells, 2022.
Shelving System II, 2021.
Mountain, 2016.
My Body Office, 2021.
Ikea Vitra Vitra Ikea, 2021.
Pieza 1 HP, 2005.
Pre 8, 2018.
Mesas Atico, 2019.
Mesa Port, 2018.
Mesas de Choque, 2021.
Leon, 2022.
Colgador Bolas, 2023.
Marta, 2020.
Bonay Hello, 2015.
Bluejey, 2015.
Mel Gibson, 2015.
Mesa Elefante, 2018.
Narrow shop, 2020.
Mesa Gala, 2019.
Blau, 2022.
Lucas, 2018.
Mana Mana Lima, 2022.
Atico Kitchen, 2019.
Biografia Antoni Arola, 2015.